Wednesday 13 October 2010

The Real Food Market

What is a real food market?  It's one that allows it's visitors to buy direct from the producers in a way that you wouldn't get from your local supermarket.  Talk to the real food producers.  Hear their real story.  And believe me there will be a story.  How the real food producer set up.  What motivated the real producer to do what they do?  Where the recipes for the food that they produce comes from.  Ask them and you'd be amazed.

The real food festival takes place on the South Bank in London on the first weekend every month with over 40 real food producers.  If you don't live in London.  You could come to Hartingtons real food festival.  This real food event takes place in Baslow nr Chatsworth in the heart of the Peak District.

The first real food market takes place on the 4th & 5th December.  Already you will be able to get the real food story from: Heavenly Cheesecakes, Delishas red pepper relish and Peak Ales a fantastic local real ale producer.

Each of these real food producers is passionate about their food and what they do.  So come along and join the real food movement.


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