Eleven eager would be artisan bread bakers turned up to our converted saw mill in a sun bathed Bakewell full of anticipation and excitement on what a day of artisan baking with local food hero and master baker Andrew Auld might hold.
The day started in a very civilised & relaxed way at 9.30 with chat and merriment over coffee and croissants. Andrew then explained his baking journey from boyhood fascination to now being the owner and master baker of the Loaf in Crich. Then it was very quickly time for our students to get their sleeves rolled up and for them to get baking.
The baking began with the students mixing their white or wholemeal dough and it was non stop until the end of the day when they left with a bag full of their home baked bread. During the day the students baked an artisan white/wholemeal loaf, focaccia and something for those with a sweet tooth: chelsea buns, fruit loaf, apple or cinnamon rolls or fruit buns.
All in all a fantastic days bread baking in Bakewell. The second of Andrew's bread baking course in Bakewell is already sold out but we have just put on an additional bread course on the 29th of March and for those that want to take their artisan bread making skills to another level we have just added a sourdough bread making course on the 3rd of May.
Baking in Bakewell - They are just made to go together!
Hartingtons Food Experience
Great course yesterday, really enjoyed everything. Chris and Julie great and Andrew bril. I'll be back....when I get time off work again. Everything was the WOW factor.....
it sounds marvelous. maybe someday I can attend... fingers crossed!
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