A meeting with our prospective landlord Mr S. We've nick named him 'cocky'. One day I may explain. It's not what you might think!
The critical issue is gas. Can we get it to our cookery school and who pays?
I've also had a rethink about the building/s that we want to occupy. We need expansion space & the original building has none. So can we persuade old 'cocky' to allow us to knock two of his recently built units to be knocked into one. I suspect he may so NO! But we will see.
On Monday I'm meeting a guy about coffee. I love the stuff, especially the smell of freshly ground coffee. Did you know that there are two main types of coffee bean Robusta and the Arabica bean. Arabica is the smoother, subtler generally favoured in coffee shops in the UK. I prefer the stronger, beefy Robusta. The reality is the best coffee is normally a blend.
We are hoping to put on barrista courses in our cookery school as well as providing decent coffee to our students as part of their cookery course.
The guy is an expert coffee roaster so the experience and the coffee aroma should be an assault on my senses. It may take some time for me to come down from the ceiling but what a way to go!
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