I'm off this morning to view the riverside premises which I'm hoping are going to be perfect for our cookery school.
Location! location! location! as they say..........and this location certainly has the Wow factor!
Top floor in a converted mill by the river in a very busy tourist town. I've got a very good feeling as it seems to be ticking all the right boxes and has already got a big thumbs up from my partner in crime.
Talking of my partner in crime.........the diligent Editor has been straining his brain cells and burning the midnight oil working on our branding.
He's very keen on what our branding says about us......so I'm intrigued to see how his Paul Smith meets Upmarket Deli meets Artisan Baker style pans out................and talking of pans.........the list of equipment we need for our cookery courses is growing by the minute ........fridges, freezers, cookers, chopping boards, professional knives and of course pots and pans!
Bloomin eck it's not cheap being a cooking class act is it????
Well must dash now as I'm due to view the premises in less than an hour.
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